
Yes, Manscaping’s a Thing: Why Men Should Wax

waxxpot mens waxing services

Yes, manscaping’s a thing. And it’s becoming far more mainstream, as more men (of varying ages) head to the wax salon for some tailored grooming time. Yes, we’ve rounded a corner, the social stigma of male waxing no longer exists, and a groomed appearance is where it’s at. Body-conscious men want a smooth (or smoother) look and feel on various parts of their body: legs, chest, back, shoulders, etc. (We’re ahead of the game—check out Waxxpot’s myriad men’s waxing services.)

So men, if you’re reading this and want to get rid of unwanted and/or excessive body hair, book your wax. (Honestly, it’s not nearly as painful as you think.) And partners, if it’s you viewing this post, book a male wax service for your significant other.

Why? Because the benefits of men’s waxing services go waaaay beyond being smooth (not that being fuzz-free isn’t completely awesome).

Benefits of Men’s Waxing Services

mens waxing services near me*For starters, your significant other will most likely love it. That irritating, uh-this-is-so-not-pleasant prickly feel will be a thing of the past if you choose waxing versus shaving or other hair removal methods.

*Waxing is a total confidence booster. Truuust us…

*…plus, it also makes you feel smoother than you’ve ever been in your life. (Seriously, don’t take our word for it; just book that wax appointment.)

*That oh-so-smooth appearance you achieve from waxing? Totally creates a more toned, defined look. (And a more groomed look.)

*Waxing is typically less irritating than epilations, creams, hair removal gels—any of that DIY hair removal techniques we know you’ve tried at least once at home. (And yes, before you say anything about redness post-wax—yes, it can possibly happen. But it usually subsides extremely quickly.)

*Waxing helps eliminate ingrown hairs. Because when you wax (by a professional, that is), your skin is pulled taut, and the wax or cloth is pulled swiftly and promptly. This helps provide an accurate, less painful process and lessens the chance of ingrowns.

*Waxing removes hair from the root and damages the hair follicle. (Shaving simply sloughs away the surface layer of hair, so the follicle remains intact.) Therefore, you’re smoother, longer if you wax rather than shave (so long, five o’clock shadow)…

*…and your hair regrowth comes in finer, softer, less dense. (And it may stop growing back altogether.)

*Have a tattoo(s) you want to show off? How about a defined calf/bicep/etc. etc. muscle you’ve worked hard to build? Less hair means more exposure, so you can show off all your hard work at the gym. There’s a reason some male athletes, models and actors wax.

*Waxing helps improve hygiene. Think about it: Excessive hair can trap sweat, bacteria, dirt, odor and more. Help eliminate any buildup by going bare.

*Waxing exfoliates the skin and improves texture. It removes dead, dry skin cells on the skin’s outer layer along with your unwanted hair. What you’re left with (besides a smooth finish) is a more youthful, refreshed, glowing look.

*Cuts. Razor burns. All the irritating aftermaths of shaving are eliminated when you wax.

Men, don’t knock it ’til you’ve tried it. We’re fairly certain you’ll be hooked following your initial wax appointment. So ready to get waxxed? Book men’s waxing services now!



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