
New Year’s Resolution: Start a Waxing Routine

New Year’s Resolution: Start a Waxing Routine

Happy New Year! Wait – make that happy Smooth Year!

That’s right, even though it’s January and most of your skin is in hiding, it’s actually the perfect time to start preparing for warmer days ahead. After all, we always like to keep a sunny outlook.

But seriously, the secret to being silky smooth (and hair-free!) by spring break or summer is starting that waxing routine – now!

Waxing now = smoother skin later

We like to say that waxing gets to the root of the problem (groan). All puns aside, waxing removes hair at the roots, which damages follicles and ultimately prevents them from growing new shafts of hair. This means every time you wax, your hair will grow back lighter and finer. If you start your wax routine now, you’ll get better, longer-lasting results (i.e., baby smooth skin) just in time to hit the beach for spring break.

Bye-bye dry

Obviously waxing is awesome for hair removal, but did you know it also helps keep your skin moisturized? It’s true, and we love it. When you get waxed, the top layer of dead skin is removed along with your hair (good riddance!), leaving behind a new layer of fresh, exfoliated skin. This new skin looks and feels great, plus it’s way better at absorbing moisture and nutrients – a game-changer during dry winter months! (Pro tip: For extra hydration, stop by Waxxpot and get yourself some Hydrate Body Lotion. You won’t regret it.)

Smooth feels good

If you shave during the winter, chances are you let things get a little overgrown before you’re motivated to take action. Think about how nice it would be to just know (and feel) you’re smooth without having that inner debate about whether you can go one more day without shaving.

Bring a friend!

The benefits of winter waxing are just too good not to share. Find some friends who have never been to Waxxpot before and let them in on how important it is to start their wax routine now. (Maybe even send them this blog post if they need convincing?) For each friend you refer, you’ll get $10 off a Waxxpot service or product and they’ll also get 25% off their first visit. Win/win!

So here’s your New Year’s Resolution checklist:

1. Book now with your favorite Waxxpot location to start your waxing routine ASAP

2. Refer a friend, get $10 off

Here’s to a Smooth year ahead!



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