
Hard Wax Vs Soft Wax: What’s the Difference?


Hey, everyBODY! Today we’re waxing on about hard wax vs soft wax for bikini line areas, eyebrows, legs, underarms, etc., etc. And specifically, the specialty waxes Waxxpot uses when you come in for your wax. Trust that we 100% realize waxing is personal, and we believe you should know exactly what you’re getting into. Knowledge is power and whatnot. And bonus, being all-knowing makes for a far more comfortable wax appointment. So we’ve got you! Read on about hard wax vs soft wax differences and which one works best for you.

Hard Wax vs Soft Wax


*Wax is removed when it hardens sans strip (such as muslin)

*Best for coarse, textured hair

*Often used on face, underarms and bikini area

*Easily attaches to and removes even the shortest of hairs

*Swift clean up, with slight to no sticky residue post-wax

*Some find hard wax to be less painful than soft wax, though it’s debatable


*Ideal for all hair types

*Very effective for removing fine hair

*Best for waxing large areas: legs, armpits, arms

*Adheres to skin more so than hard wax, therefore acts as a better exfoliant

*Most find soft wax to be less painful than hard wax, though that’s debatable

Waxxpot’s Specialty Hard & Soft Waxes

Hard wax. Soft wax. Yes, Waxxpot offers both—yay, us! (It’s a question we get asked quite often). We design our two waxes with only the highest-quality ingredients to make you fuzz-free. Combine that with our Wax Specialists’ superior skills and proprietary waxing patterns and techniques and your wax is simply a better experience overall. Quicker. More precise. And, more importantly, less painful. With longer, smoother results.

A quick snapshot of the different types of wax we offer.

*Waxxpot’s hard wax: A beeswax base applied wet to skin that dries upon removal. Strong on hair, but easy on skin! Note this particular, pliable wax does possess a light fragrance.

And now to our baby, our exclusive soft wax. It’s a must-try you’ll only find at Waxxpot and we’re obsessed. Not to say we don’t love our hard wax, too, but we really, really love our proprietary soft wax.

*Waxxpot’s soft wax: Our self-made beeswax, resin base with a special oil blend that has an extra protective barrier. Hello, optimal comfort! It even helps remove those baby-fine, hard-to-get, small hairs so nothing’s left behind.

Should you have any questions about hard wax vs soft wax for bikini areas, brows and everything else, reach out. Contact us, or feel free to ask one of our Wax Specialists. They’re a wealth of information and can help you decide which wax is best for you.

Happy waxing!



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